Ford ZFS542 Ratio Change
I have a Ford ZFS5-42 2 wheel drive manual transmission, transmission came out of a 1995 f350 Ford with a 7.3 diesel.Question: This transmission has the close ratio can it be changed to wide ratio.Answer: Below are is what is needed to change the trans over.. at the bottom there is a rebuild kit with and without syncro rings all depends on what is neededThe following parts are required to make the change of close ratio to wide ratio in the Ford ZFS542. The last two items are rebuild kits one with syncros and one without that you can choose from.
2nd Gear (37 T) part number TRS359582A your cost is $109.87
3rd Gear (SOT) part number TRS359583 your cost is $58.17
Input Shaft (27 T) (9 1/2") part number TRS359670 your cost is $113.33
5th Gear Main Shaft (26 T) part number TRS359585-2 your cost is $74.67
Counter Shaft COMPLETE CLUSTER (21 T / 14 T) part number TRS359676 your cost $212.92
Bearing Rebuild Kit w/o Synchro Rings S5-42(87-95) part number MTF300ZF your cost $134.98 orBearing Rebuild Kit with Synchro Rings S5-42(87-95) part number TRSBK300ZFWS your cost $385.41 plus freight.Give Scott a call toll free 888-824-2012 he can help you.