Jeep BA10 Shift Problem
I have a Jeep Comanche 1988 4,0L Question: I have a Comanche with the Peugeot BA10/5 and NP231J T-case. The transmission is stuck in first gear with the stick moving freely and in fact has since been removed to try and diagnose (no success). Is this something common or that anyone at Midwest has come across? It would be great if someone has dealt with this and or has an idea of what needs to be done or replaced. I would then have a better idea of what it will cost to fix (time/money) and the most efficient way to proceed. any suggestions will be appreciated and taken into consideration.Answer: This is a common issue for the BA10 unit. The shift stub gets worn on the end that goes down into the transmission allowing it to come out of gear and still leave the transmission in gear. Unfortunately with limited parts available the only option is to build up the shift stub width by welding and add approx. 1/16” to each side of the stub to prevent this from continuing to happen. You can start thicker and just keep narrowing it up until the shift is good.