Jeep AX15 Transmission Rebuild

I have a 1989 Jeep Wrangler 4.2LQuestion: I am having shifting problems and some bearing noise with my AX15, its time to rebuild this unit can you tell me the correct bearing overhaul kit part number that includes syncro rings. Is a small parts kit available for this transmission?Answer: The correct part number for your rebuild kit is MTCBK163JWS its available your cost is $306.55, plus S&H. This kit will include all major bearings, gaskets, seals and syncro rings, if you need needle bearings they must be ordered separately We are unable to supply a small parts kit, but if you need any other parts they are available. If you need additional information of technical help give Scott a call 888-824-2012 he can help you. You can see the other parts that are available for the AX15 on our site.