Ford1999 M5R1 Manual Transmission Overhaul
I have a Ford XLT 1999 3.0L 2WD manual TransmissionQuestion: I would like a price on everything I will need to do a full rebuild except the gears trans . and do you offer a standard and a high quality pack on the bearingsAnswer: We can provide a professional bearing overhaul kit for your M5R1, the kit will include all major bearings (aftermarket high quality), gaskets, seals and syncro rings. Order our part number TRSBK247AWS. This kit has 1 piece 2nd gear syncro, 30 T 5th & reverse slider with both 5th and Rev slider have 30 teeth. Your cost on this kit is $316.56.Its possible that the fork should be replaced not a bad idea, order the following parts:
½ shift fork part number MWTE8TZ-7230A your cost is $23.69
¾ shift fork part number MWTE8TZ-7231AR your cost is $31.19
Steel cover plugs rung $.94 each, you are correct they should be replaced plus S&H. This should be everything you need for the overhaul. It is possible once you have the unit open you may find damaged hard parts, let us know we can supply both new and good used part.
You can see the complete parts list for your M5R1 on our site. If you need additional help once you have the unit open or help with the order give Scott a call 888-824-2012