Ford 8.8 inch Explorer Differential Problem
I have a Ford Explorer 1996, call the dealer with VIN and he told me it was the 8.8 inch differential.Question: My rear end is making a lot of noise, can you help me diagnose? What parts should I order?Answer: Ring and Pinion Set damaged or worn out Chipped ring gear makes a loud click or clang. The leading cause of chipped teeth on the ring or pinion gear is abuse. This abuse usually happens when the vehicle gets stuck. The tendency is to rock the vehicle backwards and forwards simply by shifting from reverse to low and back repeatedly attempting to break free, this puts high force on the teeth causing one or two to fail.Be sure your backlash is correct, and your pinion and carrier bearing preload is correct. Check your differential specification for rotational torque on the pinion, and the carrier should have to be tapped directly into position, not hammered hard or fall in and out. Improper preload can be a main cause of early bearing failure. Checking the ring and pinion gear pattern that is the best way to determine an excellent install. The gear set and housing determine the correct install depth (check your rear end specification), you will need a magnetic base and dial indicator to get this correct. We would suggest that this repair be left to some one with experience and tools, It would be a good idea for you to provide the parts, this will save you some money! You can see the ring and pinion parts that we can supply on our site.